Helplessness is a feeling that arises from being depressed, but it’s important to remember no one is helpless. But it’s important to remember, in today’s world there’s lots that can be done to cure depression and anxiety.

Apart from these methods, one can practice a lot of natural remedies for people who want to learn how to treat depression at home like changing your physical activities, changing your lifestyle by getting in a routine, etc.

You’re Not Alone

It is estimated that on an average around 20 percent of the whole population suffers from depression. Something other than feeling down for a day or two, depression causes an awful mindset that you cannot shake for quite a long time.

“It’s OK not to be OKAY, so let’s talk”

Break Up With Your Anxiety

Anxiety is a common experience for patients who have been diagnosed with depression. If not taken seriously, even simple anxiety turns into chronic anxiety that can lead to irrational thoughts and behavior.

Anxiety comes in various shapes and forms, so one should always remember that it’s quite okay to feel anxious about a lot of events happening in your day-to-day life. Like moving into a new home, changing your job, completing a test, etc.

Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Few symptoms may overlap in both cases, hence it’s best to have proper knowledge about the factors to make informative decisions. This information can be of great assistance to anyone who wants to learn how to cure depression and anxiety.

For both these situations, one should stop and check whether it’s a physical symptom or an emotional one.


 Physical symptoms:

 • Less energy, low motivation

 • Feeling of fatigue every time

 • Weight loss or gain

 Emotional symptoms

 • Having problems with making decisions and concentrating on other things

 • Loss of interest in activities that you once loved doing

 • Always feeling sad or helpless

 • Having thoughts about suicide


 Physical symptoms

 • Getting tired way too easily

 • Having a problem remembering past events or concentrating on what’s going on

 • Tension in muscles

 Emotional symptoms

 • Always being restless

 • Panicking without real issues

 • Always being in fear

how to treat depression

Anxiety and Depression: How They Affect the Body and Brain

Nobody knows without a doubt how depression arises, yet scientists have established that it is unquestionably a turmoil that has organic roots and that the science of the cerebrum assumes a major job.

Scientists have uncovered through studies the different ways in which depression affects our body and brain.

 1. Memory issues – to counter depression, the hormone cortisol is released from the hippocampus that is a part of the brain. Continually flooding the brain with cortisol produces a counter-effective response where new neurons stop growing in the hippocampus. If new neurons don’t grow in the hippocampus, it results in the shrinking of that part that ultimately results in memory loss.

 2. Hormonal changes – Amygdala swells up in response when cortisol fills the brain. The emotional state of the person is controlled by Amygdala. Upon swelling up, it becomes more active and releases more hormones than necessary; hence, it results in sleeping problems, mood swings, etc.

 3. Swelling in the brain – scientists are still not sure how brain inflammation and depression are related to each other. But it’s quite clear that brain inflammation is often observed in people diagnosed with depression. This causes issues with learning and remembering things.

 4. Reduction in oxygen intake – hypoxia is a situation that has been associated with depression as neurons stop working effectively, the body intakes less oxygen. As a result of hypoxia, brain cells die, and the person also experiences brain inflammation.

 Effect on the Body:

Depression is significantly more than only a cerebrum issue. If for some reason depression is not treated in due time, psychological as well as physical pain takes over the patient’s body.

  • Effect on the digestive tract of the body

Depression plays a very critical role regarding craving of food. Some go down the path of overeating while other’s stop eating completely. This can prompt weight addition and stoutness related diseases, for example, type 2 diabetes.

Some may even lose their craving completely or neglect to eat the perfect measure of nutritious food. An unexpected loss of enthusiasm for eating in more seasoned grown-ups can prompt a condition called anorexia.

  • Effect on the immune system

Stress and depression go hand in hand. Hormones released by stressed out body increase the heart rate and cause veins to tighten, that places the patient in a drawn-out high state of emergency.

  • Effect on central nervous systems

Feeling of melancholy can cause migraines, ceaseless body hurts, and agony that may not react to a prescription. It’s likewise now and again an impact of certain neurological maladies, for example, Alzheimer’s sickness, epilepsy, and different sclerosis.

“A dose of positivity a day. Keeps the depression away”

How to Cure Depression At Home

You can alter your behavior little by little and have a massive impact on your lifestyle. These lifestyle changes can help in ways unimaginable. So let’s talk about how to beat depression.

Make a routine – having a structured life is very important to beat depression. Make a proper schedule to get back to your daily life.

Make goals for the day – accomplish tasks that make you feel good and motivate you to perform better. Little by little, start creating challenging goals as well.

Changes in sleep pattern – depression can create problems in sleeping patterns causing it hard to sleep or get up. Hence, it’s necessary to make a solid set of sleep patterns.

“Don’t take tension, take action”

How to Cure Anxiety At Home

Like in the case of depression, anxiety can be taken care of at home. The natural remedies which help with beating anxiety involve a few lifestyle changes as well. Let’s have a look at them.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes – substance abuse is a major cause of anxiety, avoid them for your benefit.

Exercise – endorphins are released when one exercise that induces a feeling like you are on top of the world. Exercising daily also rewires you positively.

Meditation – Meditation and yoga are a cure for literally all problems. Start meditating and doing yoga daily and see the results for yourself.


Depression is a mental disorder which is attached to a lot of stigmas where people don’t want to believe it’s an actual illness. The effect of being isolated and not being given proper care causes drastic psychological and physical pain to the patient. The toll that the brain and body take is huge; hence, it’s important to know about the consequences and likewise how to get rid of it.


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